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We hope our blog will be helpful and enjoyable.
Hop on the GREEN WAGON and discover how many great things you can do with what you have.

Check out your local Thrift Stores, flea markets, yard sales or salvage stores.
You will find a wealth of ideas right here on my Blog to repurpose, recycle and reuse many things. Most items will be of the shabby chic, country and vintage look.

I will ocassionaly discuss cleaning, care and protection of Antique and fine furniture.



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NEBRASKA, United States
I have learned and developed many tips, shortcuts and secrets over 37 years while running an antique refurbishing business. I love auctions and repurposing the things no one seems to want. It's my desire to stimulate or encourage your interest in refurbishing wood furniture,rescuing,repurposing and creating useful items for your home. Every piece of wood has a distinct and unique characteristic that must be recognized. Nothing can be manufactured with the beauty of natural grain and patina of wood.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Get ready for fun outdoors!

Now is a good time to scavenger Thrift Shops and Garage Sales for items you can recycle or repurpose for use in your outdoor living.
Recently a friend gave me a rickety childs table. The legs were in bad shape but the top was OK. I remembered I had gotten a old porcelain covered iron base last summer.I took the top off the kids table, painted it white and attached it to the old base. I think it will work very well on the patio to hold our ice tea dispenser. I'm sure it will serve other purposes also. As you can see it is cute and was repurposed very easily. Later I may stenscel a design on the top when I have time.